still accepting new members

The Aftermath of Job Loss

A support group for Californians who have recently been laid off by a tech company

Tuesdays, 3:00 - 4:30pm beginning March 26 | $80/session for 8 weeks

*Erin will reach out to schedule a free 15-minute call with you to help determine if this group is right for you.

Feelings of loss following a layoff can be surprisingly big.

Losing your job can make you feel like you’ve lost your agency. This thing outside of your control happened, and it’s so easy to feel like you don’t have control over anything in your life after that. It can make you question your self-worth, and even your very identity—who are you outside of the job you do?

This group will help you contain these big feelings and give you the support you need to move through the process of grief, doubt, shame, or whatever is coming up for you around the loss. You will learn tools to help you experience these emotions without going into overwhelm and reconnect to both your agency and fundamental worth as a human. Together, we will tap into the group’s collective resilience and plant the seeds of hope for the future of your career—no matter where it takes you.

Interested in joining this group? Let us know.

Erin will reach out to schedule a free 15-minute call with you to help determine if this group is right for you.


  • This group is intended to be small—ideally around 4-6 people.

  • Each group therapy session will last 90 minutes. This group will meet for 8 weeks.

  • The group will meet online in a SimplePractice video session beginning in March. The group will meet Tuesdays from 3-4:30pm.

  • Group therapy is about half the cost of individual therapy, at $80 per session.

    You will be charged on a weekly basis for the duration of the 8-week group regardless of your attendance, unless otherwise pre-arranged with the facilitator.

  • Once group therapy sessions have begun and we reach 5 participants, no new participants will be added for the duration of the 8-week period.

  • You’ll meet once a week for 90 minutes for 8 weeks in a row, and you are expected to attend each session. As a member of the group, you are integral to its functioning! Missing a session doesn’t just impact you, it really impacts the rest of the group who is in attendance. If you absolutely must miss a session, you should let the group know well in advance of the date you’ll miss.

  • This group’s sole purpose is to explore and deal with the emotional and psychological impact of losing your job unexpectedly. Therefore, this group will not explicitly help you look for or find a new job. This group will also not be explicitly looking at skills needed to reenter the workplace, resumes, or anything similar.

  • The group will be facilitated by Associate Marriage and Family Therapist Erin Boyle. Erin worked in and around the tech industry for over a decade, with experience both in very large corporations (10,000+ employees) as well as mid-sized startups (~60 employees) that grew over time. Now, Erin helps people going through big changes in both their relationships and careers reconnect to themselves. Read more about Erin here.

  • The first step is to let us know you’re interested! Fill out this form, and Erin will reach out to schedule a 15-minute call with you to help determine if this is the right group for you.

Interested in joining? Let us know.

Erin, the group’s therapist, will reach out shortly to schedule a 15-minute consultation. Together, we’ll determine whether this group is a good fit for your needs.